Proposed Capability
Our processes and technology shall be purposely designed to integrate seamlessly into NATO’s Allied Tactical Publication (ATP) for Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) standards technically capable of augmenting military tankers delivering support as the nation’s premier public-private air refueling firm delivering the right commercial AAR solution that:

- Combines 250+ years of Air Refueling expertise and the commercial aerospace industry for a single purpose
- Offers a mixed fleet of Flying Boom, Probe and Drogue and Dual Role Air Refueling capability to public-private users worldwide
- Offers a mixed fleet of Flying Boom to UARRASI (Universal Aerial Refueling Receptacle Slipway Installation) equipped receivers
- Offers Hose and Drogue (Soft Baskets) to Probe equipped receivers
- Provides Dual Role (Passengers and Cargo) delivering simultaneous airlift and air refueling to receivers
- Purposely designed to deliver air refueling support 24/7/365
- Offers AR mission and flight planning, crew scheduling, dispatch/release, Flight Following and Recovery
- Provides FAA (Certified Flight) Dispatch – Experienced and trained in Planning, Dispatch and Flight Following of AR missions
- Offers complex fighter delivery via Dual Role (Passenger, Freight and AR) means to diplomatically cleared countries
- Designed to meet Joint Service (U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps) air refueling demands
- Meets Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Foreign Military Sale (FMS), Government Military Sales (GMS) and Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) demands
- Fulfills S. Naval Air Systems Commands (NAVAIR) Commercial Air Services contract demands
- Poised to meet Helicopter Air-to-Air Refueling (HAAR) demands
- Meets Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition (FAR Subpart 6.3)
- Provides only responsible source/service to satisfy agencies requirements, unusual and compelling urgency
- Satisfies the DoD’s (and associated component MAJCOM’s) urgent need of a commercial air refueling outlet
- Delivers support and sustainability of Joint Warfighting Forces assigned to and supported by DoD